Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs), Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) and the Court of Protection.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney (‘LPA’). The first is a Property and Affairs LPA which allows you to appoint a person or persons to act on your behalf in relation to your property and affairs.

The second type is a Personal Welfare LPA which allows you to appoint a person or persons to act on your behalf in relation to your health and welfare decisions (for example where you live, what you eat, who you see, whether you should receive life sustaining treatment, etc.) to act if you have lost the mental capacity to make the decisions for yourself.

We can advise you fully on the nature and operation of these documents. As well as preparing the relevant documentation, we can also act as your Certificate Provider. We can assist you with the drafting of the relevant Application to register the document with the Office of Public Guardian.

Prior to the 1st October 2007, you might have made an Enduring Power of Attorney. We can advise you or your Attorneys on the nature and effect of this document. We can assist your Attorneys with the preparation of the relevant Application to register the Enduring Power of Attorney if the time comes when you are no longer mentally capable of handling your affairs yourself.

If a person loses their capacity to make financial or welfare decisions themselves and they have not made an Enduring Power of Attorney or Lasting Power of Attorney, we can assist with the Application to the Court of Protection for a “Deputy” to be appointed by the Court to look after your affairs.

We can act as Attorneys or Deputies where required.


Meet The Wills & Probate Team

Joanne Hutton
Head of Department and Partner